Triple inoculation

of G aggregatum+B coagulans+T harza

Triple inoculation

of G. aggregatum+B. coagulans+T. harzainum with Solanum viarum in a green house nursery study resulted in maximum plant biomass (plant height 105 cm and plant dry weight 12.17 g), P, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn and secondary metabolities [total phenols (129.6 mu g g(-1) f.wt.), orthodihydroxy phenols (90.6 mu g g(-1) f.wt.), flavonoids (3.94 mu g g(-1) f.wt.), alkaloids (5.05 mu g g(-1) f.wt.), saponins (5.05 mu g g(-1) f.wt.) and tannins (0.324 mu g g(-1) f.wt.)] of S. viarum seedlings. click here The mycorrhizal root colonization and spore numbers in the root zone soil of the inoculated plants increased. The enzyme activity namely acid phosphatase (53.44 mu g PNP g(-1) soil), alkaline phosphatase (40.95 mu g PNP g(-1) soil) and dehydrogenase (475.5 mu g PNP g(-1) soil) and total population of B. coagulans (12.5×10(4) g(-1)) and T. harzianum (12.4×10(4) g(-1)), in the root zone soil was found high in the triple inoculation with G. aggregatum+B. coagulans+T. harzianum that proved to

be the best microbial consortium.”
“Field experiments on intercropping in maize crop were conducted during 2008 and 2009 at Agriculture Research Institute, Tarnab Peshawar, Pakistan. The experiments were laid out in a randomized BMN 673 molecular weight complete block design comprising of 11 treatments, including weed free sole maize (WFMz), weedy check sole maize (WCMz), sole French beans (Fb), sole mung-beans (Mb), sole sunflower (Sf), intercropping maize-1-row+Frenchbean-1-row (MzFb 1:1), maize-1-row+Frenchbean-2-rows (MzFb 1: 2), maize-1-row+mungbean-1-row(MzMb 1:1), maize-1-row+mungbean-2-rows Selonsertib mouse (MzMb 1: 2), maize-1-row+sunflower-1-row (MzSf 1: 1), and maize-1-row+sunflower-2-rows (MzSf 1: 2). The treatments significantly affected the weeds and crop parameters. Weed density (136 weeds m(-2)) and fresh biomass (2769 kg ha(-1)) were highest in the WCMz and Mb, respectively. The intercropping treatments resulted in 35-56% reduction in weed population. All the intercropping treatments showed 6.46 to 23.93% increase in the yield of maize over WCMz, except

that in MzSf 1:2. Overall highest average grain yield of maize (3886 kg ha(-1)) was recorded in WFMz with 30.65% increase in yield over the WCMz (2695 kg). Among the intercropping treatments, maize yield was highest (3543 kg ha-1) in MzMb 1: 1, where the yield was 23.93% higher than the WCMz; though it was at par with the MzFb 1: 1 (3232 kg ha-1 with 16.62% yield increase over WCMz). The computed LER ranged between 1.023-1.294. Similarly, the cost benefit ratios (CBRs) ranged between 1.27 and 1.67. Among the intercropping treatments, highest CBR (1.64) was computed for MzSf 1: 2, followed by MzMb 1: 2 (1.58). Thus, intercropping reduced weed population, boosted maize performance, enhanced land utilization and increased farmers’ monitory advantage.

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